The detailed invoices for intramoenia, the compulsory insurance coverage by public structures (with the possibility of direct action by the patient to the insurer), the retirement age of 70 for doctors and NHS managers and early retirement for those who had met the requirements as at 31 December 2014. Furthermore, in terms of primary care, the single role, training of the MMG and use of employees in local structures must take place without additional costs for public finance. These are some of the changes requested by the Budget Commission and introduced - incorporating all the remarks made - by the Social Affairs Commission! to the Balduzzi decree, which will be voted on today in the Chamber with confidence. As regards the primary care chapter, employees may be used for functional structures or complex units "without new or greater charges for public finance" and "on the basis of the national agreement". For general practitioners, a single role has been established, but "without prejudice to the specific salary levels of the various professional figures". As for the training to be provided for in the Health Pact, no additional expenditure will be possible compared to today. Also stop at some rules on the subject of intramoenia: without further costs also "the organizational and technological modules that allow the control of the volumes of freelance services". But above all, the transparency rule which provided for the detail of the figures actually co! answers to the doctor. News also on the derogation from the turnover in the Regions with repayment plans - which passes from 20% to 15%, only with respect to the need to provide assistance and in any case with authorization from the Economy, Health, Regional Affairs - and on the compulsory insurance coverage for civil liability of public and private health structures, which is canceled together with the "right of direct action for compensation for damages against the insurer". Also rejected was the provision which allowed for requesting access to pension treatment for employees of the National Health Service who had met the requirements as at 31 December 2014 with the recognition of an additional period of up to 30 months. The fund for gambling addiction also disappears, while their inclusion in the Lea remains.
October 18, 2012 – DoctorNews
From politics and Regions up to changes and trust in the Legislative Decree
They don't like the changes made to the Balduzzi decree on the basis of the findings of the Budget Commission and even less the trust placed in the measure. Starting from the Social Affairs commission of the Chamber that that text had fired: «The provision» explains the vice president, Gero Grassi, «is an important public health law but now suffers from a great economic shortage. The decree does not solve many problems, it begins