Health bill, chemists specify: ours "is a health profession"

ROMA (Public Policy) – Precisare che il chimico è una healthcare profession e, per quanto riguarda le dimensioni territoriali dell’ordine, prevedere una correlazione al numero degli iscritti e, dove possibile, a livello regionale.

It was she who asked for it Nausica Orlandi, president of the National Council of Chemists, nel corso di un’audizione davanti la commissione Affari sociali alla Camera sul health bill, containing measures on drug testing and health professional orders.

05 ottobre 2016 – public policy

PROFESSIONS: Healthcare, new professions recognized (Italia Oggi)

ITALIA OGGI – 25 maggio 2016

Healthcare, new professions recognised

The reform of the health professions takes shape. In fact, the Lorenzin bill was approved in first reading yesterday by the senate after the text, with the arrival of spring, had once again become one of the priorities of Palazzo Madama.
The regulatory system is, therefore, ready for examination by the chamber. The green light from the Senate therefore marks the recognition of the status of health profession to figures considered to all intents and purposes, by insiders, an integral part of the process of health care and protection. Space, therefore, for biologists, physicists, chemists and for the establishment of new professions such as that of chiropractor. "A choice", underlined the president of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists' Associations, Andrea Mandelli, "important for those who carry out these activities, but also and above all for the protection of the citizens who use their services".
Thesis also shared by the president of the Cnc Nausicaa Orlandi in her view that the approval of the text "is an important result that reaffirms the role and skills of chemists and physicists in the health sector". Among the main innovations contained in the bill are those relating to the professions for which colleges are envisaged. In this case, in fact, there will be two ways.
In fact, for midwives and nurses, the transformation from provincial colleges to provincial orders is envisaged, but a further step is envisaged for the college of radiology technicians.
Within the order whose name will become "Order of medical radiology health technicians and technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention" will in fact merge not only the colleges of radiology technicians, but also all health professions currently not registered. For these, in fact, the establishment of a register is envisaged for each one which, in turn, will join the macro-order. Finally, each set of orders at the national level will be organized into Federations. Beatrice Migliorini

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