
Ddl Lorenzin: Order of doctors on the barricades, perplexity from Fofi

Orders in turmoil for the Lorenzin bill, from Monday 9 October to the Montecitorio exam after the ok given the other week by the Social Affairs commission. On the barricades there is above all the Fnomceo, the Federation of medical and dentistry orders, which on Wednesday announced the withdrawal of its delegations from all institutional tables. Among the news less Camiciwelcome from the text the provisions aimed at reordering the order discipline, which in various cases enter incisively on the prerogatives and functionality of the orders. This is the case, for example, of the rules that impose gender balance, generational renewal and adequate representation of all components on professional organizations; or those that limit the re-eligibility of top positions and prescribe electronic voting. Or again, they oblige the provincial orders to provide themselves with auditors registered in the specific category register.

"We take note" is the accusation of Fnomceo "that the current text goes beyond the need for an institutional adaptation, to represent in fact the introduction of a primacy of party politics over the representations of the profession". Parliament is therefore invited to "review its position and take into account the fact that the independence of the profession from politics is an element of protection and guarantee". Meanwhile, the note continues, "an extraordinary national council will be urgently convened to acknowledge the presidents of the provincial orders that they have carried out the mandate assigned to them and agree with the proposal to suspend all institutional collaboration even at a peripheral level".

Perplexed about the Lorenzin bill also the Federation of Pharmacists' Orders: «The text» affirms the national secretary, Maurizio Pace, in a statement released yesterday «introduces new elements which do not go in the direction of a reform of the Orders, but are in fact an element of paralysis of the their business". To aggravate, continues the note «there is also the lack of any gradualness in the transition to the new structure and the presence of numerous gaps. The text, for example, provides for high quorums for council elections, but does not give alternatives if these thresholds are not reached in either the first or second call". The hope, therefore concludes Pace «is that the works of the Chamber introduce corrective elements on these and other aspects of the bill, combining the hoped-for efficiency improvement with the safeguarding of the principles at the basis of the life of the Orders. Otherwise one would be authorized to consider what was to be a phase of modernization an act of hostility by politics - and it would not be the first - towards the intermediate bodies of society».

Federfarma – 06/10/2017

Related news: DDL Lorenzin, Fnomceo out of all institutional tables

FOFI. The Orders need a reform that does not paralyze them

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