THEthe much discussed Ddl Omnibus, draft law by the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, has finally received the OK of the Senate, where it has been approved with a rather large majority, 164 votes in favour, against 27 against and 17 abstentions. Waiting for the decree, there is now one last step, namely the examination by the Chamber. There are numerous points touched by the Lorenzin bill, and equally numerous are the professions involved, with theintroduction of very relevant regulatory changes, especially for biologists, chemists and pharmacists. Let's see them.
Biologists included among the health professions
The figure of the biologist will acquire greater importance in the health system. Indeed, biologists and psychologists will become part of the health professions. Also for biologists, the decree provides for a territorial reorganization of the respective Order.
Establishment of the Order of Chemists and Physicists
Physicists, up to now lacking a specific professional Order, will be integrated into the National Council of Chemists. The new Order will be called the National Federation of the Orders of Chemists and Physicists, and will be subject to the provisions in force for the other Orders of the health professions. Until a specific regulation is drawn up, sections A and B of the current order will therefore host the "Chemistry" and "Physics" sectors, while the Minister of Health will providesubsequently to carry out the necessary measures for a territorial articulation of the new order and for the election of the members of what will be the Board of Directors.
New rules for pharmacists
As for pharmacies, within them all health professionals will be free to practice their profession, with the exception of doctors. Another point on which the decree focuses are the sanctioning aspects, focusing on penalties for the abusive exercise of the health professions and on pharmacists educated to trade drugs considered doping in channels other than the pharmacy. The dispensing of the aforementioned drugs in the absence of a medical prescription and for purposes that do not comply with those indicated by the AIC (marketing authorization) will result in penalties including imprisonment from two to six years and a fine ranging from 5,164 euros to 77,468. Furthermore, the deadline within which the heirs of a pharmacy without university qualifications are required to hand it over will be extended from the current 6 to 48 months. Finally, with regard to company pharmacies, the temporary replacement of the director, hitherto limited to the other members of the pharmacy, will be permitted for any registered pharmacist.
Daniel DiStefano – 27 May 2016 – LiveUniCT