Cura Italia, drug and medical device workers at risk

Article 14, despite the firm opposition expressed by the trade unions to the government and to Farmindustria, does not in fact apply the possibility of supervised quarantine to these workers

“Exposing all workers in the production and dispensing of medicines, medical devices, research and the integrated supply chain of subcontractors to an unjustified risk to their own health and that of their family members is absolutely unacceptable. Yet it is precisely what the decree law number 18, published yesterday in Official Gazette”. This is the denunciation of Marco Falcinelli, Nora Garofalo, Paolo Pirani, respectively secretaries generals of Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil.

Article 14, despite the firm opposition expressed by the trade unions to the government and to Farmindustria, does not in fact apply to these workers the possibility of supervised quarantine if the workers themselves come into contact with a positive subject, even a family member, as provided for by the legislative decree February 23, 2020 for all citizens.

We consider this rule unacceptable because it not only involves a violation of the individual and collective right to health - continue the three general secretaries -, but also because it is in clear contrast to all the government recommendations on the containment of the epidemic, which invite people to isolate themselves and take measures of restrictions, even personal ones, if there is only the suspicion of contact with potentially infected".

Fino a oggi, attraverso l’avviso comune stilato con Federchimica e Farmindustria, “si indicavano buone pratiche e provvedimenti cautelativi per coniugare la salvaguardia della salute dei lavoratori con la necessaria sicurezza dell’approvvigionamento dei farmaci da parte dei cittadini e del sistema sanitario, in un’evidente situazione di estrema gravità per il Paese”.

“It is clear – the three continue – that this legal provision supersedes all the indications and provisions adopted up to now, and legally imposes a forcing that would have the unfortunate effect of not guaranteeing the safety conditions of the workers, fueling further tensions in the companies. If Farmindustria and all the trade associations of the drug supply chain decide to indulge in those forcing and apply the decree law as it was erroneously thought, will assume a very great responsibility, and will interrupt a system of industrial relations that has played an important positive role in recent decades, and will find on our part the firmest opposition which will be made explicit through all the forms and initiatives that will be deemed most effective ".

"We therefore invite the union representatives and workers involved in the production and dispensing of medicines, medical devices, research and the integrated supply chain of sub-suppliers to demand, also through the necessary trade union initiatives, the concrete application of the Protocol to combat the spread of the virus signed by the trade union organizations with Confindustria for the protection of the health of all workers. For our part - concluded the three trade union leaders - we will take action with the Confederations immediately to promote the removal of the law in the phase of its conversion into law".

Coronavirus, Ulgiati (Ugl): "Pharmaceutical and biomedical workers on the front line, changes to 'Cura Italia' are urgently needed"

Scisciano notizie – 19 marzo 2020

"Great is the contribution that, in particular, in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical industry, workers are making in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, but they would need a decidedly different decree from the 'Cura Italia' and for this we also urge all the political forces so that changes can be made and improvements to the text during the analysis which will soon take place in Parliament”.

Thus the national secretary of UGL Chemicals, Louis Ulgiati, highlighting that “4 or 5 clear measures would have been enough. Instead there are as many as 127 articles that try to give answers to everything and everyone, but which in reality complicate the rules, even the simplest ones, and do not give adequate answers to the country's problems”.

In particular "the provisions of Legislative Decree 23 February 2020, relating to quarantine, cannot be applied to workers in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry. This, in addition to questioning the right to health, risks contributing to the spread of the virus. To avoid potential and exponential contagions in the workplace, adequate tools must be put in place both for protection and for verifying everyone's state of health, including through special swabs ". Furthermore “the permits envisaged in parental leave are insufficient both in terms of total hours and as a guarantee of pay. The attendance fee for those who worked in the month of March is a real alms and mortifying. The CIGO will not be immediately payable and many workers, if there is no advance from the companies, will be able to have economic relief only after several months. The CIG, on the other hand, does not seem to have sufficient financial coverage for the real needs".

“Like Ugl – underlines Ulgiati – we have always been and will continue to be committed to guaranteeing the right to work and to health. Even more, at this particular moment, it is essential to find solutions, so that infections in the workplace and repercussions on employment and wage levels can be avoided. We are present in all workplaces together with the union representatives, through the Joint Committees now set up in all companies, to ensure dialogue with companies, to identify solutions that are not always guaranteed by the Decree, but there is also a need for an intervention of politics to change 'Cura Italia' for the better”.


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