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Crisis: Gasparri, PDL commitment to cut public debt and taxation

21 September 2012 – 4.32 pm

(ASCA) - Rome, September 21 - "The Popolo della Liberta' believes that the plan for the reduction of the public debt must be implemented immediately, in order to create the conditions for a reduction in the tax burden".

The leader of the Pdl group in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, says so.

“Furthermore, it is necessary to act within Europe to better protect our markets from unfair competition, also avoiding implementing a policy hostile to the company – he adds -. Perhaps the Fornero labor reform has not been useful and the sentences that from Pomigliano to Taranto put companies in difficulty are alienating foreign investors. Finally, we must also look at the pharmaceutical sector where the latest interventions, absolutely suicidal, risk closing many companies operating in Italy. For this reason, we are ready from the PDL to advance our proposals to give new life to a real economy, and where there are lower taxes for both families and businesses"


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