(AGI) - Ascoli Piceno March 30 – Agreement reached last night in Ancona, at the headquarters of the Marche Region, for the dispute over the redundancies at the Pfizer Group (pharmaceutical) plant in Ascoli Piceno. All the four trade unions, Cisl, Uil, CGIL and Ugl, have signed "a document with reservations" with the American company, which provides for a reduction in the number of redundancies to 70 overall (from the initial 83, for which mobility was requested in January), and for which the ministry will be asked for extraordinary layoffs for restructuring, for two years.
The workers who choose to go into voluntary and incentivized redundancy must be subtracted from this number, benefiting from no less than 42 months' wages in addition to a bonus of 3,000 euros. However, the unions have reserved the right to discuss the text with the factory employees at a forthcoming meeting.
The mediation of the Marche Region, and in particular of the councilors Marco Luchetti and Antonio Canzian, was decisive.
According to the RSU delegate of the factory Cisl, it is "the best agreement that could be obtained at this moment, also considering that we were approaching the expiry date of the mobility procedure, scheduled for April 9". (AGI) Ap1/Mav
At the end of November 2011: