Covid-19, the Dpcm of 1 March 2020 in the official gazette. All containment measures by zone

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, ha adottato il 1° marzo un proprio decreto, in corso di pubblicazione, che recepisce e proroga alcune delle misure già adottate per il contenimento e la gestione dell’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19 e ne introduce ulteriori, volte a disciplinare in modo unitario il quadro degli interventi e a garantire uniformità su tutto il territorio nazionale all’attuazione dei programmi di profilassi.

The decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (dpcm) was adopted, in implementation of decree-law 23 February 2020, no. 6, on the proposal of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, having consulted the competent Ministers and the Presidents of the Regions, and takes into account the indications formulated by the specifically constituted Technical-Scientific Committee.

Il testo distingue le misure sulla base delle aree geografiche d’intervento.

1. Misure applicabili nei comuni della “zona rossa” (Bertonico; Casalpusterlengo; Castelgerundo; Castiglione D’Adda; Codogno; Fombio; Maleo; San Fiorano; Somaglia; Terranova dei Passerini; Vo’)

For these municipalities the following is established:

In the same municipalities, the prefect, in agreement with the competent authorities, can identify specific measures aimed at guaranteeing the activities necessary for the breeding of animals and the production of foodstuffs and the activities that cannot be deferred as they are connected to the biological cycle of plants and animals.

Finally, in the offices included in the districts of the Court of Appeal to which the municipalities of the "red zone" belong, until 15 March 2020, the possibility is envisaged for the heads of the judicial offices, having consulted the administrative managers, to establish the reduction of the opening hours to the public, in relation to activities not strictly connected to urgent acts and activities.

2. Measures applicable in the Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto regions and in the provinces of Pesaro and Urbino and Savona

For these regions and provinces the following is established:

3. Measures applicable in the provinces of Bergamo, Lodi, Piacenza and Cremona

For these provinces, the closure on Saturdays and Sundays of medium and large sales structures and commercial establishments in shopping centers and markets is established, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies and food outlets.

4. Measures applicable in the Lombardy region and in the province of Piacenza

In these territories, the measure of the suspension of the activities of gyms, sports centres, swimming pools, swimming centres, wellness centres, spas (with the exception of the provision of services falling within the "essential levels of assistance"), cultural centres, community centers, recreation centers.

5. Misure applicabili sull’intero territorio nazionale

Within the whole national territory it is established:

Inoltre, il testo prescrive, per l’intero territorio nazionale, ulteriori misure di informazione e prevenzione:

Con l’entrata in vigore di questo decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri, infine, cessa la vigenza di tutti quelli precedenti, adottati in attuazione del decreto-legge 3 febbraio 2020, n. 6.

Nel complesso, oltre al dpcm odierno, i provvedimenti attualmente vigenti, approvati dal Governo in seguito all’emergenza sanitaria internazionale, sono i seguenti:

Infine, il Governo sta elaborando ulteriori misure, di prossima approvazione, per il sostegno economico ai cittadini, alle famiglie e alle imprese, connesse all’emergenza sanitaria per la diffusione del COVID-19, e più globalmente per la crescita economica del Paese.



Further implementing provisions of the decree-law of 23 February 2020, n. 6, containing urgent measures for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19. (20A01381)


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