The health accounts improve in 2010. The health pact begins to show its effects and slows down the growth rate of health expenditure in relation to GDP, which drops from 8% to 7%. At the regional level, a reduction of 28.5% in the deficit was recorded, but the largest ones remain concentrated above all in the Centre-South. These are the summary data of the report of the Court of Auditors on the financial management of the regions in the period 2009-2010.
05 AUG – The report published by the Court of Auditors on the financial management of the regions in the period 2009-2010 showed a slight improvement in the situation.
Spending for the NHS in 2010 amounted to 113.5 billion euros, a result that improved the estimates contained in the 2011-2013 public finance decision by 1.5 billion. The health pact itself, as reported in the report, has proved effective in curbing the growth rate of health expenditure in relation to GDP. In fact, while this represented 8% of GDP in the 2000/2006 period, it has stabilized at around 7% in the last four years.
Per capita healthcare expenditure amounted to 1,880 euros, with an increase of 2.2% compared to the previous year 2009.
Moving on to analyze the situation at the regional level, the Court of Auditors found that, following the decision contained in the last Economic Maneuver regarding the introduction of the 10 euro co-payment on specialist outpatient services, the funding to be restarted for 2011 increased by 0.7%, therefore less than both the programmed inflation rate and the variation recorded in the two-year period 2009/2010 of 1.4%.
A reduction of 28.5% of the overall deficit was noted, mostly attributable to the Regions subject to a repayment plan which, however, with the exception of Puglia, improved their result.
Of these, only Lazio, Abruzzo, Sicily and Liguria closed 2010 positively.
The analysis also revealed the persistence of the deficit in 12 Regions and autonomous Provinces: Valle d'Aosta, Trento, Veneto, Liguria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Sicily and Sardinia. Finally, also in 2010, the deficits were concentrated above all in the Centre-South area.
The report also shows that health expenditure is substantially made up of three large aggregates which in 2010 had the following incidences on total expenditure for the NHS: personnel costs (32.7%), costs for the purchase of goods and services (30.3%), and agreed or accredited expenditure (36.5%).
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