We all at the table appreciated the sensitivity and speed shown by the Minister with this call, but we also underlined the need for this table to be accompanied by an inter-ministerial table, under the guidance of the PCM, to jointly address the health, economic and social issues, which are taking place due to the effects of the outbreaks, for now limited to the northern regions, and the ordinances issued by the competent bodies.
Specifically, the Ministry is evaluating the following interventions for workers and private companies located in the affected areas or who are unable to reach their workplaces, which will have to be evaluated with a view to verifying the necessary coverage economic, with the Ministry of Economy and Finance:
- – Where possible, use of the ordinary redundancy fund, without taking into account meters, previous use, access constraints, with the limits established by the law;
- – "Extensive" use of the FIS for the sectors to which it applies, thus derogating from the current constraints (limits, rules and requirement of the number of employees to obtain access, generalization in the use of the ordinary check);
- – Evaluation of the introduction of the cash instrument in derogation for all uncovered workers;
- – Establishment of a fixed indemnity as compensation for collaborators and VAT numbers of the affected areas;
- – Use of social security funds for income support measures;
- – Facilitating the possibility of using smart working. The Ministry is also evaluating measures in favor of businesses such as the suspension of contributions or the payment of tax deadlines, already implemented in other similar emergency circumstances.
In the speeches and questions posed to the table, we jointly expressed the need for the provision to guarantee coverage for all workers who, for reasons directly or indirectly resulting from the containment of the virus, are forced to suspend their work.
We have also expressed the need to discuss the coverage of public workers' absences, on which we have been reassured with respect to the short-term convening of a table with the Minister of Public Administration.
We have highlighted that coverage must be considered and given to all workers present in the production cycles (temporary workers, para-subordinates, contract workers, temporary workers, etc.).
Finally, some specificities have been reported, also by businesses, which need to be given appropriate attention (agricultural work, craft businesses, small businesses).
Concern was highlighted in the interventions for some non-homogeneous indications that are being followed by local authorities and bodies, such as the indication of certain prefectures to consider all absent workers on sick leave, or others which oblige the employer to check the state of health of the employee, the closure of services and the maintenance of others. All interlocutors shared the need for clear, unambiguous and reassuring messages to be sent on the performance of work activities and on the coverage of days of absence.
All the parties present highlighted the need to activate a relationship with the European Union to ensure that the sums that the shock absorbers will have to guarantee can be deducted from compliance with the constraints of the stability pact.
We reiterated the need to activate a control room for the management of this phase and the need to avoid unilateral initiatives, guaranteeing all steps and procedures with trade union agreements.
Finally, at the end of the discussion, we underlined the common will to face this phase responsibly, following the information and prevention plans defined by the Ministry of Health.
We have highlighted the need to counter speculation (for example in relation to prices and the supply of masks or disinfectants) and alarmism that intervene on a situation that is already greatly worrying people and putting a strain on the economy of important regions.
It seems to us that the Ministry has understood the requests received and the need to proceed quickly on the definition of measures to protect workers.
The table will reconvene on Tuesday 25 February at 6pm.
We will of course keep you informed of the continuation of the discussion and of the decisions that will be taken.
A warm greeting.
For the Secretariat Tania Scacchetti
Corso d'Italia, 25 – 00198 Rome Telephone 06/8476372– Fax 06/8476295 e-mail: segreteria.scacchetti@cgil.it http://www.cgil.it