Good morning
The undersigned President of the Regional Coordination of the FED.AIISF (Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Drug Representatives).
Alla luce del disposto di cui al Decreto del Ministero della Salute del 12 marzo 2021, Pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n° 72, Serie Generale, del 24 marzo 2021, concernente “Approvazione Piano strategico nazionale dei vaccini …” che dispone, nell’ Allegato 1, a pag. 41 della G.U., cpv. 3°, quanto segue: “il completamento della vaccinazione delle categorie ricomprese nella fase 1, promuovendo la vaccinazione dei soggetti che non hanno ancora aderito alla campagna ed avendo cura di includere, nel personale sanitario e sociosanitario, tutti i soggetti che operano in presenza presso strutture sanitarie e sociosanitarie, …”
DRUG SCIENTIFIC DISCLAIMER (ISF) and figures similar to them, to carry out their work, are, on a daily basis, within hospital structures and specialist outpatient clinics, basic medicine and pediatrics of free choice.
The vaccination of DRUG SCIENTIFIC INFORMANTS (ISF) and figures similar to them, residing in the territory of the Lazio Region.
To inform the ISF and similar figures of the possibility of being vaccinated as a Priority 1 Category, as set out in the new National Vaccination Plan, using the appropriate page of the regional portal HEALTH LAZIO.
Furthermore, the desire to have a special link, always on the SALUTE LAZIO portal, for booking the vaccination of the ISF and similar figures.
remains, personally and together with the entire Regional Coordination, available for any collaborations aimed at the success of the vaccination campaign requested here; while, for any strictly territorial needs, please interface directly with the Provincial Presidents:
FROSINONE/LATINA: Dr. Pierpaolo Petta, mobile: 335/775.5109
ROME and the Metropolitan City: dr. Marco Coppola, mobile: 346/501.4603
Awaiting your response to this letter, please accept my best regards.
Charles DI NALLO
President of the Regional Coordination FED.AIISF Lazio
cell. 348/84.09.113
certified email:
Domenica 28 marzo 2021 – inviato tramite pec
Related news: AIISF Rome. ISF Stefano Papi died of Covid