
OO.SS. Conference: Pharmaceutical innovation and sustainability

Emilio Miceli – Rosalba Cicero (Filctem – Cgil) at the conference “Innovation and Sustainability in Pharmaceuticals” organized by Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil of Lombardy.

“We will renew the contract, when the time comes, on the condition that Confindustria removes its hands from the contractual minimums and from the calculation basis for wage increases.

There is an idea of wage cuts in this Confindustria obsession, and that is what risks burning the next renewals. We also want to renew contracts by taking advantage of that expansionary phase of our economy which must also reward work.

Because all the economic data and growth in the sector suggest renewing a contract in expansive terms": declared Emilio Miceli, general secretary of Filctem Cgil, during his speech at the round table on "Innovation and Sustainability in Pharmaceuticals" organized by Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil of Lombardy which was held last Friday in Milan.

“A sector, the pharmaceutical one, which has reacted very well to the crisis, indeed, in the crisis it has increased its turnover and employment. However, this figure has not prevented such an internationalized sector from carrying out major reorganizations and restructuring processes. This change and new repositioning of the sector has been governed jointly, syndicated companies”.

This was stated by Rosalba Cicero, general secretary of Filctem Cgil Lombardia, when presenting the topics of the conference "Innovation and sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector". “Today we need to go beyond the level of participation experienced so far.

We have the ambition – continued Cicero – jointly as a trade union, with respect to the impact that new technologies will have on workers but more generally on people's lives to guarantee universalism and fair access, to solicit advanced governance, aimed at guaranteeing: governance of innovations, industrial sustainability, ethical - social responsibility, transparency and participation".

Milan 27 November 2017

Press release

Related news:Miceli (Filctem): growth data must reward work


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