
Pharmaceutical expenditure control: the ministerial decree on electronic invoices is ready

From 1 January 2018 new electronic invoicing methods for pharmacies: the decree is being published in the Official Gazette

FISCO and TAXES – 22 December 2017

With a press release, the MEF informed that the decree of 20 December 2017 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in agreement with the Ministry of Health, regarding electronic invoices issued to the bodies of the National Health Service, which will allow timely monitoring of pharmaceutical expenditure.

The decree implements paragraph 2 of article 29 of the decree law of 24 April 2017, n. 50, converted, with amendments, by law 21 June 2017, n. 96 according to which, starting from 1 January 2018, in electronic invoices issued to the entities of the National Health Service for purchases of pharmaceutical products it is mandatory to indicate related information

  • to the Marketing Authorization Code (AIC)
  • to the corresponding quantity.

Furthermore, starting from the same date, the aforementioned invoices must be made available to the Italian Medicines Agency. For these invoices, the entities of the National Health Service are prohibited from making payments of invoices that do not include this information. The decree being published regulates the aforementioned technical methods of indicating the AIC on the electronic invoice, as well as the methods of access by the Italian Medicines Agency to the data contained therein.

Text of the MEF Decree - 20 December 2017

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