NAPLES- "The Campania regional law on the prescription of generics and biosimilars is an important fact and could lead to savings of 767 million euros on a national scale". This is what the estimate of Assogenerici study center.
"By applying the rules introduced by the law on five therapeutic classes (those with the highest expenditure) to spending in Campania - Assogenerici points out - savings of 95 million should be obtained per year, higher than that obtainable by applying the AIFA indicators to 18 therapeutic classes, equal to 83.8 million. The application of the Campania objectives on a national basis would therefore lead to savings of 767 million euros".
"The regional law of Campania - warns Francesco Colantuoni, vice president of Assogenerici, – guarantees not only the economic compatibility of territorial and hospital pharmaceutical assistance, but follows a different path from that of rationing services, with the possibility of obtaining savings even greater than those deriving from the application of the tools produced by AIFA". According to the experts of the study center "the arrival in Italy a year ago of theatorvastatin equivalent totaled savings for the National Health Service of 293 million euros, i.e. more than 800 thousand euros a day, a figure comparable to that of the Great Britaindespite being able to count on a smaller market compared to the one across the Channel".
"In many ways it is even more interesting what the Region has arranged for biosimilars - continues Colantuoni - Considering only the class of epoets, which moreover are the most prescribed biotechnological drug at European level, if the proportion of recourse to the biosimilar found in Campania were applied to all Italian regions, there would be savings of 25 million a year. And all this - he specifies - safeguarding the patient's right to continue the therapy with the originator with which he had started and limiting himself to direct use only in naïve patients, i.e. not previously treated".
The estimates by AssoGenerici are conducted starting from the enhancement of consumption from the Ims source, but in reality the price at which biosimilars are sold, thanks to the tender mechanism, is usually lower. "Therefore – warn the experts