
Healthcare sector contract. Final signature. Agile and remote working makes its debut

The Court of Auditors, in the meeting of 27 October 2022, positively certified the hypothesis relating to the national collective agreement of the Health Department for the three-year period 2019-2021.

At the conclusion of the institutional process, the president of Aran, Antonio Naddeo, summoned all the trade union organizations for the definitive signing of the contract for 2 November 2022, at 3 pm, at the headquarters of the Agency.

With the definitive go-ahead from the Court, all the steps of the control phase for the CCNL, which concerns around 550,000 employees in the sector, employee of the companies and entities of the Healthcare sector, come to an end. (source ARaN)

According to the signatories, the contract represents a starting point for an effective relaunch of the Health Service The new agreement, in fact, in view of the extra resources allocated by the Government – the sums made available amount to 241.6 million euros – recognizes a wage increase, new rights and protections for male and female workers

The certification of the Court of Auditors on the renewal translates into a renewal that has already been definitively completed. Nothing will be able to block the contract again and they should pass to the maximum 30 days time from the certification for its application.

The personnel has been classified into five areas, which correspond to five different levels of knowledge, skills and professional competences:

a) Support staff area
b) Operators area
c) Assistants area
d) Area of health professionals and officials
e) Area of highly qualified personnel

Going into detail, we are talking about an area, the highly qualified one, which can only be accessed if in possession of a master's degree and if you have at least three years experience within the current apical area. A revolution that simplifies the system of responsibilities and competencies for Healthcare, Social and Administrative Technicians, Harp, Irccs And Izs.

To complete the classification system, a review of the assignment system is planned, increasing its relevance. In each role, the following assignments can be assigned: position assignment, only for personnel employed in a highly qualified area; position of organizational function, only for personnel employed in the areas of health professionals and officials; professional function assignment, for personnel in the areas of health professionals and officials, assistants and operators. The assignments will last 5 years and will be of three types: basic, medium and high complexity and the related allowances to those of medium and high complexity have been integrated with significant economic increases.

The new discipline of remote working (smartworking) in the two types is also particularly important in the new contract: smart working, envisaged by law 81/2017, without place and time constraints; remote work, with place and time constraints. Work performance in agile mode can be divided into the following time bands: contactability band and inoperability band

In terms of remuneration, the agreement recognizes - starting from 01/01/2021 - an average increase in regular salaries of 91 euros on average for 13 months and a revaluation of the Funds intended for supplementary bargaining of 12 euros per month 13 months. For the new professional classification system, a further financial commitment of companies and entities in the sector of 13 euros a month for 13 months has also been envisaged.

A new regime of horizontal economic progressions has been outlined by providing “economic differentials of professionalism”. These are stable increases in remuneration aimed at remunerating the higher degree of professional competence progressively acquired by the employees, in carrying out the attributions of the classification area.

The new National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the health sector refers to period 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2021, both for the legal part and for the economic part. However, it should be remembered that the text will remain in force until the next one is signed, as, among other things, happened with the agreement preceding this one, which expired on 31 December 2019.

CCNL Healthcare Sector 2019-2021

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