An important novelty: the contract provides for the annual verification of any inflation differences. Miceli, Colombini, Pirani: 'A sign of responsibility useful for reopening the confederation table and the other category tables. A concrete response in defense of workers' income
Thursday 15 October 2015 – FILCTEM
The hypothetical agreement for the renewal of the 2016-2018 contract in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector (more than 171,000 workers involved, employed in almost 3000 companies, 90% of which are small and medium-sized), more than two months before the natural expiry of 31 December 2015 .
The signed agreement provides for an average increase on the minimum of 90 euros (cat. D1), distributed in three "tranches": the first of 40 euros from 1 January 2017; the second, 35 euros from 1 January 2018; the third, 15 euros from 1 December 2018. In replacement of the tranche of increase in the monthly contractual treatment envisaged by the current National Collective Labor Agreement for the month of October 2015, an EDR (Distinguished Remuneration Element) of the same amount will be disbursed: this amount will be disbursed up to to 31 December 2016, to then cease definitively. But the real novelty of the agreement is the annual verification of the minimums for any deviations from inflation: starting from 2017, in June of each year, the deviation of inflation relating to the the previous year between the Istat final balance and the forecast used in the renewal phase.”Since we were aware that we represented the highest point of bargaining in the country, we accepted (and won) the bet – Emilio Miceli, Angelo Colombini, Paolo point out satisfied Pirani, respectively general secretaries of Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil - to make the contract in a short time. A sign of responsibility - the union leaders continue - which is extremely useful for reopening the confederation table and the other category tables, which the unions and chemical and pharmaceutical companies offer to the country; a concrete answer in defense of the income of workers in the sector, of contractual welfare, of work performance in a sector that has been able to give innovative answers also through the renewal of contracts".
The text of the hypothesis agree
Press release Filctem, Femca, Uiltec
Chemical UGL, FAILC-CONFAIL, FIALC-CISAL. Contracts, Ulgiati: "Satisfaction with the agreement on chemical-pharmaceutical renewal"
It is proof that the social partners still play an essential role.
"We are satisfied with the result achieved last night with the signing of the hypothesis of renewal of the chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical national labor contract for the three-year period 2016-2018".
This was declared by the secretary general of Ugl Chimici, Luigi Ulgiati, at the end of the negotiation, explaining that "with the average increase of 90 euros when fully operational, divided into three tranches, we guarantee workers good economic support, maintaining the adjustment regime to the Ipca index but with the important novelty of providing for annual updates by verifying the difference in inflation relating to the previous year between the Istat final balance and the forecast made. Just as – he continues – on the regulatory side we continue to focus on supplementary pensions, also clarifying the application of the rules on remote controls of the Jobs Act, on which we have always expressed reservations”.
"In a very difficult moment, in which the role of trade unions and intermediate bodies in promoting social and economic cohesion is questioned - he concludes -, having signed this contract is an important demonstration of the fact that the social partners still have a essential role in combining the needs of workers and businesses and who are capable of giving quick and concrete answers".
Chemical-pharmaceutical national labor contract agreement for the three-year period 2016-2018
Chemical-pharmaceutical collective bargaining agreement 90 euros for the three-year period 2016-2018
Chemical-pharmaceutical collective bargaining agreement 90 euros for the three-year period 2016-2018
After more than 16 hours of uninterrupted negotiations, today morning an agreement was reached on the renewal of the chemical-pharmaceutical collective bargaining agreement. It is not a sudden or surprise agreement, but the fruit of intense and fruitful discussions that have accompanied the discussion between the parties throughout the duration of the contract, also through the appointments of the Contractual Observatory.
The economic part on the minimums at level D1 provides for an increase of 90 euros divided into three tranches:
• 40 euros from January 2017
• 35 euros from January 2018
• 15 euros from December 2018
In place of the tranche envisaged by the current National Collective Labor Agreement for the month of October 2015, a separate element of remuneration (EDR) of the same amount will be disbursed, and will be disbursed until 31/12/2016.
From 31 December 2016, the attendance bonus envisaged by the collective bargaining agreement will be abolished and the same will be included in the participation bonus with methods and contents defined by the company bargaining.
From 1 March 2017 abolition of the economic treatment for Easter and in compensation, the Fonchim contribution rate paid by the company will be increased by 0.25% in favor of registered workers. Furthermore, again from 1 March 2017, the fixed amount of the night shift allowance (Article 9) will be increased by 2 euros.
Established in the drafting phase a simplification of the rules contained in the national collective bargaining agreement.
Enhancement of second-level bargaining, important innovations envisaged on training, safety, health and the environment, rights and protections.
The document signed between the parties can be consulted on the website www.uglchimici.it
Rome, 15 October 2015
The National Secretariat
UGL Chemicals
Related news: Federchimica. RENEWED CCNL CHEMICAL PHARMACEUTICAL 2016 – 2018