Rome – Renewal is a good word at every latitude, politics and union. Everything and everything is said about the first, little or nothing about the second, yet it would be worth measuring this geography just to understand why the national productive fabric stagnates in marshes of prohibitions so swampy as to make any transformation impossible. The story taken from blitzquotidiano.it.
Last Saturday the business associations Federchimica, Farmindustria, both members of Confindustria, and trade unions in the sector Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uilcem-Uil, have signed an agreement of understanding for the stipulation of the new ones contracts Of work 2013-2015 in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector. An area that employs 190,000 workers, 1600 companies whose 90% is small-medium enterprise. Delicate stuff in times of crisis.
The agreement is optimal in the sense that it seems to satisfy everyone starting from the employees of the sector with whom they are with 148 euros more in the paycheck, going from the previous ones 3,367 to 3,466 euros. Furthermore, the hypothesis, at the sole expense of the companies, is that they also add up 0,20% of increase on the complementary pension of the sector and an increase of indemnity of 3 euros for night shift workers. In return, some changes to the contracts regarding flexibility and reorganization of the sector: a) The formation of a National Commission which studies new models of participation in relation to the current situation of companies, in line with the potential legislative news in progress; b) The introduction at company level of a joint company commission on industrial relations, according to models already in use in some companies, such as Eni and Zambon. Technical stuff that translated from the syndicalese sounds like this: the possibility of accept future agreements on matters specifications even if they are not taken care of by the Workers' Statute. In short, parts of the sector are consulted according to the needs of each company.