
Contraception, complaint: since July the NHS has no longer reimbursed the pill

Risultati immagini per Amica (Associazione medici italiani contraccezione e aborto)Since last July 26, there are no more contraceptive pills in class A, i.e. at the total expense of the NHS. This is because from that date an Aifa determination came into force which delisted all contraceptives previously "covered" by the Health Service in band C.

This is the complaint launched by Amica (Italian Association of Contraception and Abortion Doctors) in a press conference organized yesterday with Aidos (Italian Women's Association for Development), a Sud, Udi (Women's Union in Italy) and Cittadinanzattiva for World Contraception Day .

«There weren't great reactions to the determination, especially among women» explained Anna Pompili, from Amica «I thought about what would have happened in another Risultati immagini per pillola anticoncezionaleEuropean country like France, Italian women are accustomed to the idea that contraception is a private fact, which does not concern the State or the community in which they live".

The Council of consultants of Rome, together with Amica and other associations, calls for free contraception, already provided for counseling clinics but not fully implemented, at least for adolescent girls and women in precarious economic conditions, for the cost of contraceptives to be aligned in Italy with the lower average cost of European countries, and possibility of accessing safe contraception after a voluntary interruption of pregnancy, as well as the possibility of medical abortion on an outpatient basis and the strengthening of counseling centres.

27/09/2016 – Federfarma

Related news: Contraception: doctors and citizens appeal for alignment with Europe

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