Written by Director on January 21, 2013.
After the new layoff measures, the controversies at Sigma Tau continue. In this regard, we receive and publish the press release sent by the Committee for the protection of the IMS Sigma-Tau network, which "believes it has to reply to the press release released by the company RSU on January 18 to highlight some missing or misleading elements, fundamental instead for the right understanding of the current situation in Sigma-Tau”.
“It is worth recalling once again that this RSU has expired for three years, that regular elections for renewal have not been held for six years, and that more than once the workers have warned this RSU to sign any agreement with the agency. Despite this, on Friday 11 January 2013 the meeting between the Trade Unions, the RSUs and the Sigma-tau was held at the Lazio Region for the signing of the agreement relating to the management of employment repercussions; the result of this meeting was then illustrated in three separate assemblies with the workers (the reason for three assemblies is not yet understood, and only 36/24 hours before the signing), one in Milan on the 9th for the ISF in force and in CIGS and two in Pomezia, on the 10th in the morning for interns only and in the afternoon for ISFs and shift workers.
In Pomezia a large deployment of law enforcement, Carabinieri and Police, as well as an impressive number of armed g-men who manned the turnstiles, controlling the entrances, and escorted the workers to the canteen where the meetings were to be held.
The RSU and the Trade Unions reported broadly the actions undertaken by the company and consequent to the redefinition of the organizational structures deriving from the industrial plan (finally presented in October 2012, after ten months of CIGS for crisis!) presented by the Company and already illustrated at the Region, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Economic Development.
A particular note should be made precisely on the industrial plan which, as mentioned, was presented in addition to the institutions