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The recent agreement, the so-called TRIS [ed: protection, requalification, innovation, solidarity], which intends to set up an INPS fund to protect the elderly ISF (not only, ed) is a commendable and worthy initiative but it will take a long time before it is completed.
First of all we need to understand if the INPS is aware of this commendable initiative and if, despite knowing it, it intends to endorse it.
Second, someone will have to feed this fund and it would be naïve to think that the companies do the lion's share by putting all their money into it. A small part certainly but all the rest from who will come if "Pantalone" has now decided, for some time now, to collect taxes, from those few who are forced to pay them, with those to keep the machine going of the State, which is a chasm of corruption and waste, neglecting everything related to the Social?
The state, like companies, with the distracted and sleepy consent of the Union, by now, only want to use the residual resources of their Citizens or Employees to solve those problems which, according to ancient agreements, should be solved by them. RITA [editor's note: early temporary supplementary annuity] or the APE [editor's note: pension advance]. I'm a recent example, have you been fired and can't find a job? Use your private pension fund or take out a loan from banks to retire and find your peace of mind.
Going back to TRIS, which requires a government decree to be applied, I see it hard. Currently the government has its hands tied, we are in the electoral campaign and it cannot decree unless driven by an ineluctable urgency, we will have to wait for the elections and the formation of the new government which will have to have the dismissal of this decree among its priorities.
Given the electoral promises, I don't think there will be a need for the decree because whoever forms the new government will abolish the Fornero Law.
ITALY: "everything must be transformed so that nothing changes", this "Gattopardesco" saying has been applied since the time of unification as a nation and Italy continues to remain in its "failure".
Well! If you observe the history of the DC, it is not all to blame for Italy's ills, which like cancer has infiltrated the PD, FORZA ITALIA, M5S, LEGA etc, how can you not think of being governed in a "bad" way.
The distracted reader will accuse me of indifference, I'm not, I'm just trying to keep the historical memory and the historical cycles and recycles of Vichiana memory.
The Whatever Man (UQ) founded in '46 by Guglielmo Giannini (playwright and journalist) was a party with an ideology of Conservative Liberalism, Right-wing Populist and Qualunquist who thundered against the corruption of all the others, in the elections of that year it obtained good success (5,3%) and in '47 in Sicily, which is the laboratory of all populist parties, it obtained 14,8%. Then it dissolved like snow in the sun over a spring. Those who make proclamations are immediately placed on a pedestal and today, rightly or not, with the redundancy of the media available it is easier than in the past to maintain possession.
Antonio Giammei
Related news: Agreement for the establishment of the TRIS Fund
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