International Congress of the UIADM (the International Union of ISF Associations) in Rome

Dear friends,

this letter is addressed to all the participants of the international congress held in Rome on 02/15/14.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for their participation and contribution to the Rome congress: we have all tried to fight for the future of our profession trampled on by layoffs from the pharmaceutical industry.

Naturally, I thank you for the trust you have placed in me by choosing me as UIADM President. I hope I can work and fight to achieve the goal of legal recognition in the European Parliament.

As I informed you in Rome, we are waiting for the response from the Internal Market Commission (of the European Parliament) to then start the second phase, which I hope will happen as soon as possible.

In the meantime please contact the members of the European Parliament of your respective countries to inform them of the initiatives we are taking in Brussels, so that they can have direct information and can also lobby in Parliament.

We are also evaluating the web domain, we know it belongs to a company in Hong Kong, we are trying to buy it back, it costs €45, so as to publish news about the new course of our organization.

As for the initial fee to be paid to the Treasury, we inform you that José Luis Friebel is preparing the account for the payment of the fee fixed at the Congress. We will let you know the details in a few days.

Thank you all again, I think we have taken the right path, we know what we want to achieve and how to achieve it.



Oscar M. Rilo Castro


UIADM President


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