Historical Archive

Press release of the National Forum for Pharmaceuticals


         AIISF extension                      federisf                                    ISF RELEASE          Cobas Private Work

Press release

In Rome, in the institutional headquarters of Palazzo Marini, the meeting organized by AIISF, Federisf, the National Pharmaceutical Forum and SLF-Cobas Private Work was held yesterday to discuss problems concerning drug sales representatives who work in companies that they are carrying out divestitures, branch transfers and mobility of dubious legitimacy.

The particularly critical situations would be occurring at the companies Abbott, Astrazeneca, Bracco, Formenti, Gentili, Glaxo, Marvecs, Merck S&D, Mediolanum, Neopharmed, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Schering Plough, Takeda in which it seems they are being implemented pressure for voluntary divestments, establishment of unproductive lines to be subsequently sold, requests for cigs and mobility due to non-existent crises.

From the analyzes of the individual situations hypotheses of violations of the antitrust rules and incorrect use of the MAs would also emerge with the creation of clear market disturbances to the detriment of the National Health System and pharmaceutical expenditure.

Scientific information on drugs for human use, not receiving the controls of the institutional bodies in charge, too often falls into those illegalities that the news cyclically indicates to us.

The participants in the meeting asked the Hon. Scilipoti, pr

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco