in relation to the AIFA provisions and the Tuscan regional resolutions which have taken place in recent months on the subject of pharmacoeconomics and which will have further evolutions, SNAMI Toscana, although institutionally extraneous to these political-economic dynamics and decisions, since these have indirect effects on the quality and freedom of therapy, considers it necessary to clarify some ethical-scientific points in this regard
1. Any economic factor is secondary to patient protection , an indispensable deontological principle, confirmed by jurisprudence
2. Savings in pharmaceutical costs are desirable, also in order to allow for an increase in the cases treated and to free up resources for more expensive therapies, as long as it does not conflict with point 1
3. Using the off-patent drug is a good method to reduce costs, as long as the same quality as the branded drug is guaranteed. There is scientific evidence and daily experiences that lead to strong perplexities about the admitted tolerances, about the real ones as well as about the term itself "with superimposable therapeutic activity" (DGRT n° 358 of 16/5/11 ) . SNAMI, in defense of a good off-patent drug, asks the Authorities for clarity, for the protection of Patients, especially the most fragile, and for the protection of doctors, defining the responsibilities for side effects or lack of therapeutic effect in case of replacement, under penalty of methodical affixing of the wording “not replaceable”