Prot. 160706p 1404
Work in progress the activity of the Working Group of Scientific Representatives of the National Filctem Cgil. All those present wanted to make their precious contribution towards the construction of a more aware and articulated representation of the professional figure, often experienced with difficulty and mistrust. The particularly individualistic nature of the activity of the scientific rep has meant that the same did not have moments of continuous and above all structured contact and aggregation, contrary to what happened in productive activities. This led to the need to deal with the relationship with the company alone, entrusted solely to one's contractual strength. However, this element has shown all its inadequacy precisely in the crisis, and with the continuous recourse to restructuring to which the pharmaceutical sector has also resorted. The job cut was particularly heavy, as was the sudden change in the scientific nature of the informant towards an increasingly commercial profile, increasingly linked to the business of companies, and his salary increasingly linked to his ability to prescriptions and turnover.
Today together we have decided to stop and think, trying to influence future choices and events, starting from the current situation, re-examining the foundations and fundamental elements from which to start again.
An inclusive and participatory open work, which will move in the coming months starting precisely from the commitments made by the national secretariat of Filctem CGIL in the national assembly of last April 12, and continued with the working group of June 30 which determined the three priorities and the next stages of work:
1) The normative evolution of the regulation of the activity, the return to adherence to the law as the line of demarcation between the activity of scientific information and strictly commercial activity;
2) Review the appropriateness of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, to make it as close as possible to the figure of the scientific rep, also creating the basis for being inclusive for that commercial activity today outside the reference contractual perimeter of the sector, reviewing stakes and any distortions that they do not allow for a fluid and generalized application; disengage as much as possible the distorted relationship between salary and turnover, with parameters for enhancing professionalism;
3) Establish a regulation of the nutraceutical sector, as was done in the past for pharmaceuticals, distinguishing between over-the-counter products and parenteral nutrition.
To carry out a more fruitful work on these issues, the working group has been divided into three sub-groups which will have the task of analysing, researching and constructing proposals to be submitted to the complete group before and subsequently to a new national assembly.
In order to present papers that have the value of a broad and shared basis for discussion, contacts with institutional and social subjects operating in the sector will be necessary.
A new meeting of the working group is expected at the end of July for an initial review of the progress of the process.
There have been many requests to be protagonists in the identified working group, and we confirm our willingness to broaden participation along the way.
It is with great pride that I can say that I have lived these first meetings with a great desire to do things, and with a rediscovered great collegial spirit, which together represent a preparatory conjunction for a good job.
Carry on like this, with determination, aware of the difficulty of the undertaking to be carried out, but with the will of those who are not afraid to face a difficult but not necessarily unchangeable reality.
The National Pharmaceutical Chemical Department
Rome, 6 July 2016
Via Piemonte, 32 – 00187 Rome – tax code 97337120584 – tel 06.46200964 – fax 06.4824246 – chemical@filctemcgil.it – www.filctemcgil.it
Related news: Final document of the ISF National Assembly of 12 April 2016