FIS and CUOA Business School press release. Training aimed at developing managerial skills


CUOA and FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici present the second edition of the FIS TALENT PROGRAM

CUOA Business School and FIS - Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici have launched the second edition of a training course aimed at developing managerial skills and envisaged in the 2022-2026 strategic plan. The course is aimed at young professionals of FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici to prepare them for future career paths.

Altavilla Vicentina (VI) – 19 July 2023

CUOA Business School is a partner of the company management of FIS – Italian Synthetic Factory in the design and construction of FIS TALENT PROGRAM, a training course for the development of managerial skills aimed at 26 promising young collaborators.

After the success it is getting the first edition launched in December 2022 (for 14 months) a second path of business development specifically designed on the characteristics and peculiarities of the company, in line with the vision and strategic plan of FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici. The advanced training course started in July of this year. The contents, as mentioned, were defined and shared through dialogue with the human resources management of FIS – Italian Synthetic Factory, to ensure a safe application fallout in line with the organizational needs of the company. L'goal of the entire course consists in provide tools And knowledge advanced and innovative to accompany the success and sustainable growth of the company.

Developing talent in an organization is an opportunity for growth for the company itself. Investing in the potential of one's collaborators makes it possible to face future challenges and operate better in complex environments. This improves operational efficiency, fosters innovation and creates a growth-oriented corporate culture.

The FIS Talent Program is in fact an internal business school, based on a continuous and structured approach, to provide a solid foundation of general management knowledge and understand the importance of the organizational variables that the current phase of change entails. Coordinated teaching methodologies will be used, facilitated by different teaching methodologies from time to time to promote the learning of interdisciplinary subjects and fields. Another distinctive feature is the development of the soft skills of the participants.

Throughout the project the participants will be involved in lessons on site at the CUOA headquarters, in teaching modules on demand and training activities for the development of relational skills. They will also have the opportunity to experience what they have learned through concrete becoming corporate Project Work And business games.

Giuseppe Caldiera, General Manager of CUOA Business School stated:This second edition of the FIS Talent Program is a source of particular satisfaction for us. We have found a full communion of intentions with the company: to work with young talents, so that in a protected and defined context, they have the opportunity to prepare, develop and express their potential, in a logic of mutual, personal and corporate. We are grateful to FIS for trusting us and for appreciating our methodologies and tailor-made support work“.

Corrado Biumi, Human Resources Director of FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici commented as follows: “Our company promotes the dissemination of a culture of shared knowledge and considers it essential to support and accompany young colleagues in their individual career paths, including through training courses such as this one. The results of the partnership with CUOA are giving us satisfaction, and we can say it today that the first edition of the FIS Talent Program is approaching its final stages. What began last December is a process in continuous evolution and which will continue even after the end of this second edition.

Statement received by the editorial staff on 19 July 2023

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