A new degree course in Scientific information on drugs has been activated for the year 2006/2007 by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Siena. “The profession of scientific informant – states a press release – nowadays requires targeted training and specialized skills. In order to satisfy the demand from the pharmaceutical market, the figure of the scientific medical informant today must possess some fundamental requisites that draw from various disciplines: scientific preparation, knowledge of psychological factors and communication, learning of marketing and role principles”. The course aims to create pharmaceutical information professionals on the basis of a new preparation, more complete with respect to the needs of companies in the sector, but at the same time increasingly updated on developments in scientific research. The job opportunities that are open to graduates in scientific information on drugs range from employment in the private sector of pharmaceutical companies to public employment in the national health system. Furthermore, the training guaranteed by the degree course of the University of Siena offers, at the end of the course of study and a compulsory internship at a company in the sector, the possibility of entering many professional areas, not limiting itself to the sphere of communication science: pharmacovigilance, information technology, product management, product and communication marketing, health economics. Enrollment for the new degree course will begin next August 2006.