Article 31 – The Section – AIISF Internal Regulations
1. To be established, the Section must have at least 25 members and can be provincial or inter-provincial.
2. By provincial section is meant the one which territorially includes an entire province; by province we mean the provincial administrative district of the State.
3. The Provincial Section assumes the denomination of the relevant province.
4. By interprovincial section is meant the one which territorially includes several neighboring provinces.
8. Where there is not yet an established Section, the scientific representatives of the drug concerned can register directly with the Association, at the offices of the National Secretariat, requesting form G for the application for registration.
9. Where there is still no established Section, when the number of members directly registered with the National Secretariat, residing in that province, reaches the number of at least 25, it is possible to establish a new Provincial Section; if it is not established, the national executive decides on the establishment of an interprovincial section with an already existing neighboring section.
11. The Section duly constituted in the previous year and which during the current one has not paid at least 25 dues, duly registered by the National Secretariat before the date fixed for the National Council, will not be representative of this.
Articles 34 and 35 – The President and the Sectional Executive – AIISF Statute
Article 34 – The President of the Sectional Executive
1. The Sectional President is elected every three years by the Sectional Assembly.
2. Represents the Association in the territory of comp