February 7, 2012 at 4:53 pm
A big step forward, even if the direction is still uncertain. The meeting that took place this morning within the Public and Private Work Commission of the Chamber of Deputies chaired by the Hon. Moffa certainly stirred things up on the Sigma Tau dispute. At the opening of the proceedings, the Commission immediately gave the floor to the company, which was represented by the CEO dott. Montevecchi, by the head of personnel, dr. Prince, and by the whole board. The meeting was attended by the Rsu Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Confail, the manager of the Ministry of Economic Development in charge of following company disputes, dott. Castano, the deputies Walter Veltroni, Giovanni Bachelet, Renzo Carella, Enrico Gasbarra, Marianna Madia, Fausto Recchia, Antonio Rugghia and Teresa Bellanova, Senator Candido De Angelis, the Mayor of Pomezia Enrico De Fusco and the municipal councilor Luigi Celori. Instead, the managers of the Lazio Region are absent. "In the preliminary meeting that took place last week - explained Giancarlo Samori, trade union representative - the company was not invited, so only our voice was heard". Montevecchi tried to reaffirm the state of profound crisis of Sigma Tau. "The arguments presented were the same ones that the company has been repeating for months now, but the MPs did not welcome these complaints very well, on the contrary, they criticized the company for not having positively received any of the efforts made by the unions and for not having put in place any economic resources for social safety nets. It was then highlighted how much Sigma Tau has instead received in the past”. The parties have explained their reasons and updated the state of the negotiations.” The way has in a certain sense been paved for the meeting to be held tomorrow at Unindustria: there we will see if what has been recommended in Parliament will have a real follow-up. But our commitment was not only for Sigma Tau employees, but for all Italian workers who find themselves in the same conditions. This is why we asked for the opening of a permanent table to monitor the employment situation in Italy”. Dr. Castano confirmed the Ministry's attention to the matter by declaring its commitment in two directions: a permanent table on the Sigma Tau dispute, which is constant monitoring especially on the business plan and a table, which Minister Corrado Passera is preparing in agreement with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Research, on the pharmaceutical sector, which can track down the tools useful for the development of research in Italy. Unanimous concern expressed by parliamentarians on the social repercussions of corporate restructuring, as well as the recognition of the strong sense of responsibility of