Historical Archive

Commerce: Farmindustria, difficult moment, risk of impact on factories

Urgent need for a change of approach (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Rome, 23 November -

"The difficult moment for the pharmaceutical industry continues. Further confirmation comes from the Istat data, published today, on retail sales, which record" a "very significant" drop for the sector, equal to -3.3%. Thus the president of Farmindustria, Massimo Scaccabarozzi, according to whom "the negative trend in the prices of medicines also weighs on sales, which in the January-September period marks a -4%. A serious crisis - concludes Scaccabarozzi - which risks to have serious repercussions on the 166 factories in Italy, which could represent a strategic driver for the relaunch of the economy if it were possible to guarantee, instead of the continuous changes in the scenario, a more stable and favorable context for industrial and research investments in the country A change of approach that is urgently needed"



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