(May 29, 2012)
In January, the Schering Plow site in Comazzo will pass to Mediolanum Farmaceutici. The rumor was in the air, but finally after the meeting that took place yesterday in Milan in Assolombarda, the agreement between the two pharmaceutical "giants" was made official: for the acquisition of the Comazzo production site, a preliminary sale agreement was in fact signed. Which, in perspective, will make it possible to "save" at least 50 jobs. On balance, there are still 19 employees who, once the layoffs have expired (in January), will find themselves without a job. In short, the climate of uncertainty, despite the undoubted positive note on the fate of the Comazzi plant, was by no means swept away by today's meeting. And, on these bases the dissatisfaction expressed by the three trade unions that attended the summit in Assolombarda with the company RSU and the representatives of Schering Plough and Mediolanum Farmaceutici is fed, both finally present for the discussion.
Schering: unions disappointed, industrial plan missing