CoLAP. 2016: the year of the self-employment Jobs Act?

Roma, 08 Gennaio 2016 – Sicuramente l’anno appena concluso sarà ricordato come the year of the Jobs Act for employees, especially as the year of the abolition of the much contested project contract.

2016 begins with the application of the rule which establishes that all independent collaborations, if organized in the times and places of the client, must be considered real employment relationships.

One wonders if this just begun will therefore be the year of the Jobs Act for self-employment? Will all coordinated and ongoing collaborations really disappear? Will false VAT numbers really be "flushed out" and will fundamental issues for the survival of many professionals be resolved in a definitive and structural way?

Il CoLAP – Coordinamento Libere Associazioni Professionali –  ha da sempre a cuore queste problematiche, essendo il portavoce del mondo delle Partite Iva e la voce più autorevole.

Soltanto ieri sono stati diffusi i dati Istat sull’occupazione dove si attesta che il tasso di disoccupazione a novembre segna una riduzione dello 0,2% rispetto ad ottobre, attestandosi al 11.3%.  “A ben vedere i numeri – interviene la Presidente Alessandrucci – il numero degli occupati aumenta su ottobre di 36 mila unità, dovuto quasi esclusivamente alla componente femminile, mentre diminuiscono i disoccupati e di poco gli inattivi. Sono soprattutto le donne che si riattivano sul mercato del lavoro – continua la Alessandrucci – e questo riporta alla luce vecchi problemi, legati all’impatto negativo che hanno impegni lavorativi che impediscono di conciliare tempi di lavoro e di vita familiare e sociale.

In the Stability Law that has just been approved – the President urges Alessandrucci – the "woman option" has been included which, on the one hand, gives employees and self-employed workers the possibility of retiring at 57 years for the former and 58 and 3 months for the latter, having accrued 35 years of contributions, from On the other hand, their pension will be "lighter", since the method calculated for them is the contributory one, even if for personal and contributory reasons they should be subject to the mixed calculation. A female option that may be good for past generations, because for future generations it would require requirements that are difficult to meet: a permanent contract without interruption from the age of 22!

But what will really be done for the professions? – asks Alessandrucci – will we proceed to a text containing messy norms and will the reform of self-employment really be capable of giving real impetus to this world? The rumors let us understand that the risk of importing traditional and ineffective tools and protections into our world is still alive, this is not what we need!

For us, it is a vital reform that we have been waiting for for a very long time. We have some proposals, not only related to the article, but to the philosophy, including the political one, that this provision should have and demonstrate. It will have to be a real reform capable of injecting confidence and innovation; we want to think about self-employment with the same divergent thinking we are used to, we don't want to import outdated and anachronistic models and tools into our flexible, dynamic and innovative world.

The coordination is already working on the proposals to be included in the connected - concludes Alessandrucci - with the aim of undoing some issues that are close to our hearts such as: taxation and social security, active policies and training, access to public funds and the opening of the code of contracts, but also solvency, transparency and professionalism. We will work to ensure that the Reform is really useful for professionals and Italians and we will try to avoid it being just a place to put hats!”

comunicato stampa – 2016 l’anno del Jobs act del lavoro autonomo.pdf

Related news:

20160118 – Corriere della Sera – Dopo il Jobs Act, Ora nuove tutele per i professionisti.pdf



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