Rome, 17th April. (Adnkronos Salute) – Do you want to keep the right to choose your family doctor? This is the title of the manifesto that kicks off the Fimmg information campaign aimed at citizens and which will camp in the offices of general practitioners, to involve patients in the process of change in primary care in sight. The white coats aim to inform strong Italians of the two million patients who attend general medicine clinics every day.
In fact, the poster explains: "Negotiations have begun to change the organization of general practice for the next 20 years". And goes on. "Do you want to preserve the right to choose your family doctor? Then find out about what will happen in these months. The Conference of Regions wants to limit it, you could have a surprise". The proposals then follow in the manifesto: "We want for you: to maintain the relationship of trust and together with the other colleagues, we really guarantee continuous assistance". And again: "less bureaucracy and more time for your needs" and finally "specialists, equipment and non-medical personnel in our office to offer services for which you now have to wait months".
The manifesto, explains Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg to Adnkronos Salute, "is an alarm to alert citizens to a danger that we see starting from some concrete data: from the document of Sisac, an entity delegated by the public side to the negotiation for the renewal of the Conventions, by the Guidelines and by the affirmations of some regional representatives.Elements that express intentions that have never been denied".
The problem is the 'design' of a "basic assistance in which the patient is "passed through a sort of medical assembly line, in which each professional has a precise task established by the ASL". A model, born "on the sacrosanct objective of taking charge of the chronically ill. But chronicity is not the only problem to be faced and the damage to citizens would be enormous if the relationship of trust with the family doctor were canceled, turning us into pseudo-employees that they can only do what the healthcare company commands", he concludes.