
CHEMICALS, TEXTILES, ENERGY: The 2016-2018 contract renewal season is starting

More than 550,000 workers employed in nearly 15,000 companies are affected

Thursday 10 September 2015 – FILCTEM CGIL

Pthe season of contract renewals 2016-2018 in the "perimeter" of Filctem-Cgil. There are ten national labor contracts expiring on 31 December 2015: the eleventh – that of industrial laundries – expired on 30 June and Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil have already sent the platform (102 euros the request wage increase, ed) to Assosistema-Confindustria for the start of negotiations.

Overall, the workers involved are over 550,000, employed in almost 15,000 companies. Five significant appointments scheduled for the month of September, all in Rome: the national assemblies of the Filctem-Cgil, Femca and Flaei-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil structures and delegates who will definitively launch the contractual platforms and then forward them to their respective counterparts for the immediate start of negotiations.

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