Renato Brunetta, Minister for Public Administration
– ROME, AUGUST 2 – "By mid-September I want to close the test and who is there, is there and who is not, is not". This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, speaking of digital medical certificates of illness. By mid-September, therefore, Brunetta plans to "start the system. And for those who don't start it – he added – the sanctions will start".
To date, online medical certificates represent 10-15% of the total. This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, who explains: "Their flow is around 4,000 a day, it should reach 30-40-50,000, which is the standard data on certification". For Brunetta, therefore, the reform of the system is "at the beginning", even if it is a "not negligible" share. More in detail according to Palazzo Vidoni, the total number of certificates sent via the web in the first four months of activation of the new system is 147,272 thousand, in the last week there were 32,348 and in the last day 4,504.
The news of Ansa Salute – 02/08/2010
Regions lagging behind. Certified online by one in three doctors
Il Sole 24 Ore, 02/08/10
The online medical certificate does not take off. In the first 4 months from the launch of the new procedure for forwarding the sickness certificate, from the attending physician directly to INPS via the web, just 148,272 documents were sent, just under 3% of the 50 million paper certificates sent each year. The situation has improved somewhat in the last week, with 32,348 online submissions. Still not much though, since since June 19th (end of the transitional period) the certificates, by law, must travel only electronically. The data was provided in Rome by the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta who illustrated the steps to take for cover. We will continue with the testing period which will end at the end of August – he said – after which we will carry out spot checks and the new digital certificate system and the related penalties for doctors who do not comply will start from mid-September ». Currently, the 35% of the total of 67,727 family doctors and the 25% of the other NHS doctors (125,015, overall) are enabled. On the other hand, no private doctor is yet qualified for the service (157,258 in total). The penalties provided for by the spa law