Savona. "Innovative Pharma": investigation closed. In recent days, notifications of the end of the investigation, signed by the deputy prosecutor Daniela Pischetola, have in fact left from the sixth floor of the Palace of Justice and have reached the persons under investigation in this matter. The allegations against the names involved in the investigation have been slightly modified compared to the moment in which the file was opened: Gianfranco Pistone, 50, and Moreno Cavazzoli, 60, the two entrepreneurs and owners of Innovative Pharma (with offices in Carcare and Pisa), are accused of corruption, but no longer the comparison.
Six doctors are also accused of corruption in competition: Amatore Morando, Mauro Panaro, Pietro Caviglia, Gianfranco Barile, a doctor from Pontedera, Amerigo Celandroni and a Calabrian doctor, Sergio Cantafio. Finally, a pharmaceutical informant, Achille Morando, Amatore's cousin, is challenged for the comparison.
According to the prosecutor's office, the two partners of Innovative Pharma systematically organized a series of favors for Ligurian doctors, from the Savona area, but also from other regions, to "facilitate" and "invite" the prescription of the types of parapharmaceuticals produced by their company. Fuel vouchers and paid dinners would have been the most popular "gifts" to convince doctors to prescribe their products (all so-called "white" drugs or parapharmaceuticals, therefore freely salable). For example, on 20 March 2012, doctors Mauro Panaro and Gianfranco Barile were allegedly paid for a 400 euro dinner at the Hotel Capo Noli.
According to the charges contested in the ordinance, the "electoral" dinners organized by the director of Cairo Salute and municipal councilor of the Valbormidese municipality, Amatore Morando, would also appear among the dinners paid to the Savonese doctors. To prove this circumstance there would be telephone conversations, but, already when the case had exploded, the Cairian city councilor had firmly denied having ever accepted favors from Pistone and Cavazzoli. A trip would instead be the gift for the doctor Pietro Caviglia. In short, according to the investigators, what was set up was a real system for bribing doctors.
For the deputy prosecutor Daniela Pischetola, who coordinated the investigations by the Carabinieri dei Noe, the two entrepreneurs