Last March 3, the Florence-Prato section celebrated the "birthday" of the AIISF (50 years) by organizing an aperitif at the College House, a friendly and young place in the university area of Florence.
Almost one hundred people took part in the event and among these some of those who built the history of the Association; in fact the National Honorary President Angelo de Rita, for many years a protagonist in the front line of the association battles, and the members of the editorial staff of the national association bulletin "Algoritmi" were with us: Antonio (Nino) Donato, Gian Paolo Brancolini and John Ciampi. In addition to them, we also had the pleasure of having the last Regional Presidents of Tuscany, Bruno Petri and Andrea Veneranda.
After the commemoration of Tommaso Mazzei, a historic colleague from the Florentine area who recently passed away, Giovanni Dolis oversaw the presentation of Gian Paolo Brancolini's latest book, "L'Approdo", a collection of biting reflections (in the traditional "Brancolini" style ) now melancholy, now funny, on moments of daily life of the last 60 years. An equally biting comment on Brancolini's work by Giovanni Ciampi (author of "The Breviary of Apelles", for those who have had the pleasure of reading Algoritmi) could not be missing.
The evening concluded with a brief but heated speech by President Angelo de Rita who reminded all those present limportance of the associative spirit to achieve and maintain the professional identity and dignity that belongs to us. He was given a photo that "fixes" the moment in which, at a national assembly, he hands over a scholarship to the then very young Iacopo, son of Andrea Veneranda.
The splendid success of the party "obliges" the members of the Board of the Section to express various thanks: first of all to all those present for the very fact of having been there with us; to the College House staff for the impeccable welcome and hospitality they have given us; to the guests who attended, Angelo, Nino, Gian Paolo and Giovanni for what they did and represented for our category; to Gianni Dolis who once again demonstrated his being a man of culture by presenting the book to us in a cultured way, precisely, but also ironically and facetiously; and lastly, but precisely so that they are more evident, the thanks to ad Andrea Veneranda who organized and coordinated everything in record time, making the event possible.
The Board of Directors of the Florence-Prato Section
Related news: On March 3, the Sect. of Florence celebrates the 50th anniversary of AIISF