Health spending deficit slows down its run. Expenditure forecasts for 2007 are between 102.7 and 105 billion euros with an effective deficit between 2 and 4.3 billion euros. A not insignificant "gap", but smaller than that of the previous year: the estimates for 2006 in fact envisaged a variable deficit between 3 and 10 billion euros.
The significant increase envisaged by the Finance Act, totaling 100.7 billion euros, and the effectiveness of the recovery plans of the regions in the "red" are decisive in curbing the growing trend of deficits.
A "hard core" of social inequity persists: in fact, there are still over a million families who find themselves in economic difficulty to meet health care costs.
And the presence of an elderly person increases by 50% the probability of an impoverishment caused by "out of pocket" expenses.
These are some of the main issues analyzed in the IV "Report of Ceis Sanità 2006", published by Health Communication srl, and edited by Amalia Donio Sofio, Marco Meneguzzo, Francesco Saverio Mennini and Federico Spandonaro of Ceis Sanità, the research center aimed at the world sanitary created by the Faculty of
Economics of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
This year's Report, explain Luigi Paganetto, President of Ceis, and Giovanni Tria, Director of Ceis, focuses on spending control, the incentive for efficiency, guarantees of equity, the development of public and private management and, last but not least, the effectiveness of treatments and services.
Not only that, the Report also puts the spotlight on Federalism, one of the themes at the center of the policy debate
sanitary. However, a federalism considered by Ceis researchers as still "immature".
Italian healthcare was also analyzed in the light of gender differences. The data showed that there is an unfavorable mortality gap for women in the South and Islands. Basically, the women of the South die earlier than those of the North, both from breast and cervical and colorectal cancers, while among men such a marked differentiation of outcomes is not observable. From anaao.it 07-12-06
The significant increase envisaged by the Finance Act, totaling 100.7 billion euros, and the effectiveness of the recovery plans of the regions in the "red" are decisive in curbing the growing trend of deficits.
A "hard core" of social inequity persists: in fact, there are still over a million families who find themselves in economic difficulty to meet health care costs.
And the presence of an elderly person increases by 50% the probability of an impoverishment caused by "out of pocket" expenses.
These are some of the main issues analyzed in the IV "Report of Ceis Sanità 2006", published by Health Communication srl, and edited by Amalia Donio Sofio, Marco Meneguzzo, Francesco Saverio Mennini and Federico Spandonaro of Ceis Sanità, the research center aimed at the world sanitary created by the Faculty of
Economics of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
This year's Report, explain Luigi Paganetto, President of Ceis, and Giovanni Tria, Director of Ceis, focuses on spending control, the incentive for efficiency, guarantees of equity, the development of public and private management and, last but not least, the effectiveness of treatments and services.
Not only that, the Report also puts the spotlight on Federalism, one of the themes at the center of the policy debate
sanitary. However, a federalism considered by Ceis researchers as still "immature".
Italian healthcare was also analyzed in the light of gender differences. The data showed that there is an unfavorable mortality gap for women in the South and Islands. Basically, the women of the South die earlier than those of the North, both from breast and cervical and colorectal cancers, while among men such a marked differentiation of outcomes is not observable. From anaao.it 07-12-06