Over 171,000 workers affected. Miceli, Colombini, Pirani: 'Contracts must be renewed soon and well. Immediately the start of negotiations with Federchimica and Farmindustria'
Tuesday 15 September 2015 – FILCTEM CGIL
LThe National Assembly of Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil structures and delegates, meeting on 15 September in Rome, approved - after the "green light" of over 450 workers' assemblies (98%) - the platform for the renewal of the contract in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector (over 171,000 workers involved, employed by more than 2,900 companies), expiring on 31 December 2015. The union platform - which provides, among other things, for a request for a wage increase of 123 euros for the three-year period 2016-2018 (see summary) – will be immediately sent to the reference business associations (Federchimica, Farmindustria, Assocerai, Anicta – Confindustria) for the immediate start of negotiations.
“From today onwards – say Emilio Miceli, Angelo Colombini, Paolo Pirani, respectively general secretaries of Filctem, Femca, Uiltec – the time for chatter and constant postponements is over. Now the negotiations can begin in earnest: there is time until mid-October to be able to verify the inflationary differences with Federchimica and Farmindustria.
But - warn Miceli, Colombini and Pirani - the protection of the purchasing power of wages, contractual welfare and work performance remain the heart of the union platform". "National contracts must be renewed soon and well", insist the three union leaders. “Despite the difficulties, we challenge entrepreneurs to direct their plans towards greater valorisation of human resources and their professionalism. Also through the contract we want to support an increasingly complex global competition, if only because the ideas of deregulation, the exploitation of resources, social dumping, cost containment and workers' rights have failed spectacularly!”.
final document > Press release > Platform at a glance >
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