The future of doctors may also be in a pharmaceutical company. The Medical Affairs
Not only hospitals and healthcare facilities, the future for doctors is also in the company. The continuous evolution of scientific scenarios…
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The 99% of pharmaceutical companies paid the 2019 and 2020 payback
Pagamento degli oneri dovuti per i procedimenti di ripiano della spesa farmaceutica per gli acquisti diretti per gli anni 2019…
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WHO updates list of critical medicines for radiological and nuclear emergencies
L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS/WHO)) ha aggiornato oggi il suo elenco di medicinali che dovrebbero essere immagazzinati per le emergenze…
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Trigger the cut of the tax wedge: here's who gains
Con la nuova legge di Bilancio per chi ha un reddito mensile fino a 1.923 euro in busta paga ha un aumento di 58…
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Calabria. ISF Actors in the play “Doctor tell me”. The proceeds go to two voluntary associations Yesterday evening (January 28, 2023), in the hall of the TAU, Auditorium Theater of the University of Calabria, the…
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Supplements. The Phytocomplex and its importance in Natural Pharmaceuticals
Molto spesso, anche tra gli addetti ai lavori o “esperti” si tende a vedere gli effetti di un estratto naturale…
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Supplements. Nutmeg Toxicity: Paolo Pelini, Let's make things clear!
In merito alla famosa vicenda dell’assunzione di noce moscata in un famoso programma tv e alle polemiche che non si…
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Self-medication drugs, a resource to be exploited. The CERGAS SDA Bocconi studio
Self-medication drugs are a fundamental resource for the health of the citizen, not yet sufficiently exploited. These are the conclusions…
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AIFA. Pharmaceutical expenditure monitoring in September 2022: +1.4%
L’Agenzia italiana del farmaco (Aifa) ha pubblicato il 24 gennaio il «Monitoraggio della spesa farmaceutica nazionale e regionale» riferito al…
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Experimental project of nursing clinic for minor codes in a Emergency Room of the Romagna Company
The Romagna AUSL intends to launch an Emergency Department nursing clinic for the lower codes on an experimental basis and this arouses…
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