Bayer. Bayer CEO Werner Baumann, long criticized over Monsanto buyout, resigns
Bayer, via il capo: mal digerito acquisto Monsanto che utilizza pesticidi Caso Bayer: fondere un colosso farmaceutico con uno agroalimentare.…
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Constitutional Court. “Health treatments, and among these compulsory vaccinations, must be considered lawful, in order to protect collective health
L’obbligo vaccinale per il personale sanitario non costituisce una misura irragionevole né sproporzionata se l’obiettivo è quello di prevenire la…
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ISTAT. In December production of pharmaceutical products +18.1%
In December 2022, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to increase by 1.6% compared to November. On the average of the quarter…
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Amendment approved: doctors retiring at 72, but only general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice
The Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber yesterday approved an amendment by the Brothers of Italy to the maneuver on the subject of retirement…
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The independent documentary film "Once upon a time in Italy" fills the halls and causes discussion
After having collected the no of the big majors, the film produced for Fil Rouge Media by Federico Greco and Mirko…
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VAT numbers. The flat-rate scheme: access, passage and exit
The flat-rate regime under the magnifying glass: entry, switch and exit Entry, exit or switch to the flat-rate regime. We will find out…
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Swiss. Roche: debate, do high-rise office buildings still make sense?
Why densify cities with offices? Work organization is changing, and maybe soon we won't need it anymore.…
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The EU wants to shorten the term of patents on medicines by two years
The EU clashes with Big Pharma over the price of drugs Corriere PL – 5 February 2023 – By Diletta Fileni The reforms…
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differentiated autonomy. GIMBE: "is inevitably destined to amplify the inequalities of a NHS, today universalistic and fair only on paper
La Fondazione Gimbe, ha pubblicato un report che analizza esclusivamente le maggiori autonomie richieste dalle Regioni in materia di tutela…
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Novartis, useful in a nosedive (but there's a reason)
2022 closed with a 2% drop in turnover, but a 70% drop in net profit, but 2021 was "inflated"...
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