Too many VAT numbers in Italy compared to European Partners
Italy is the country of the VAT numbers Blue Suitcase – 15 February 2023 by Mattia Marasti The labor market in…
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FRANCE. Roche and Novartis acquitted, they will not have to pay 444 million euros
The maxi-fines dating back to last 2020 and imposed in France on the two pharmaceutical giants for abuse of position have been canceled…
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AIFA updates the Transparency Lists
AIFA press release. February 15, 2023 In order to allow the Regions and autonomous Provinces to uniformly apply what…
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Ethics Committees. Clinical trials of medicines and medical devices, the decrees on ethics committees in the Journal
"With the signing of the four decrees on Ethics Committees, a decisive step has been taken, which has been awaited for years, towards…
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IV FILCTEM CGIL National Congress in Turin from 15 to 17 February
The IV National Congress of FILCTEM CGIL, the trade union of the chemical sectors, opened today in Turin,…
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SNAMI declares a state of agitation to protect increasingly harassed doctors!
SNAMI dichiara lo stato di agitazione a tutela dei medici sempre più vessati ! Roma, 13 febbraio 2023 – Il…
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Deloitte reports. In 2022, the rate of return on investment has decreased. The top 20 companies spent 139 billion on R&D
"Measuring the return from pharmaceutical innovation 2022", the thirteenth annual report of the Deloitte Center for Health, has been published. The…
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Self-medication drugs. In 2022 turnover at 2.9 billion (+19%)
Sono 287 mln le confezioni vendute (+15,9%) (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) – Roma, 13 feb – Con una…
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"The evolution of the pharmacy from the apothecary to the service pharmacy" in Brescia Bergamo, capitals of culture
Brescia Bergamo Capital of Culture 2023, today the start with the event "The evolution of the pharmacy from the apothecary to the service pharmacy"…
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A new technique for observing natural molecules in 3D
Fino a qualche tempo fa era impossibile solo immaginare di osservare le molecole ad occhio nudo, oggi con varie tecniche…
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