The EU Commission's legislative proposals seriously damage the competitiveness of the European pharmaceutical industry
The EU's long-term competitiveness strategy must be applied to EU pharmaceutical legislation EFPIA – 21.03.2023 EFPIA invites…
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Press release. An agreement has been signed between Polifarma and Devintec Pharma for the distribution of Gelsectan
PRESS RELEASE Polifarma completes its portfolio in the Gastro area with the arrival of Gelsectan® An agreement has been signed between Polifarma…
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Aboutpharma with a new Podcast questions the future of communication towards Health Professionals
ABOUTPHARMA has launched ABOUT PODCAST: the first Podcast dedicated to Scientific Communication and Information in the healthcare sector. "a series of…
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Flat-rate VAT number: is it really convenient?
Flat-rate VAT number: the sting has arrived. The costs to open, maintain and close in 2023 The sting has arrived…
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Medical devices. The Price Observatory of the Ministry of Health is born. But the knots remain
The knot that remains unresolved is obviously that of payback on medical devices. A dispute that pits one against the other…
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In Milan the EU Patent Court? Almost certain, but with “dismembered” skills
Il Corriere della Sera, Cronaca, a seguito di una interrogazione di Lia Quartapelle, riferisce che Milano si trova a un passo…
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FNOMCeO, active doctors mostly women
FNOMCeO, medici in attività in maggioranza donne. Anelli: “Occorrono modelli organizzativi adeguati e sicurezza sul lavoro” Diciamo addio al dr…
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Schillaci at the EU Health Council: "Incentives for producers against shortages and fair distribution of resources"
Il Ministro della Salute, Orazio Schillaci, è intervenuto al Consiglio Salute dell’UE che si è tenuto martedì 14 marzo. Tanti…
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Angelo Testa (SNAMI) meets the Minister of Health Schillaci: "General medicine cannot die like this!"
Angelo Testa (SNAMI) meets the Minister of Health Schillaci: "General medicine cannot die like this!" ROME…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceutical products in January 2023: +14.3%
In January 2023, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production is estimated to decrease by 0.7% compared to December. In the average of…
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