Device paybacks. Protest in the square on April 17
FIFO and PMI take to the streets against payback Press release FIFO Confcommercio and PMI Sanità will support and participate together…
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Calabria. The regional law on Scientific Representatives prodromal to the establishment of a National Professional Register
Approved the regional law on the establishment of the Register of scientific representatives of Calabria Il Meridio - 13 April 2023 Confer legitimization…
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75esima Giornata Mondiale della Salute
Il 7 aprile 2023, il mondo ha celebrato la 75esima Giornata Mondiale della Salute. Istituita nel 1948 durante la prima…
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Calabria. AIISF to the Steering Committee of the Department of Pharmacy for the Degree Course in Scientific Drug Information
On the occasion of the publication of the Study Manifesto of the degree courses pertaining to the Department of Pharmacy and Sciences of…
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Minister Schillaci: "Decree law 34 first step for structural reform". Measures for first aid, health professions, "token" doctors
Increase and strengthen the number of health personnel, especially in emergency/urgency services; stem the phenomenon of so-called 'coin doctors';…
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AIFA, 'Horizon Scanning' report. In 2022, 89 new medicines were authorized in the EU
In Europa, nel corso del 2022, sono stati autorizzati 89 nuovi medicinali, di cui 48 contenenti nuove sostanze attive, 8…
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Giovanni Gigante Director of Medical Department of Chiesi Italy. He says it will ensure the correct match between scientific information activities and regulatory compliance
Giovanni Gigante is the new Director of the Chiesi Medical Department. A company note states that it will ensure the…
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AIFA. Summary of payments as a Shelf (payback) of pharmaceutical expenditure direct purchases for the year 2021 - Update of 03/30/2023
Update as at 30 March 2023 The Companies communicate that they have paid the Regions and Autonomous Provinces over 1.023 billion…
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Doctors in the streets in Milan and Bari: "In defense of the national health service"
Doctors in the streets in Milan and Bari: "In defense of the national health service" "In defense of the national health service". I am…
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We receive and publish. St. Thomas's Hospital in London is looking for medical staff
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo Ospedale di St. Thomas Regno Unito RIF: HR/MED-004/06923 Il St. Thomas ‘Hospital UK è un grande ospedale…
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