Editorial notes
Lombardy region. Councilor Moratti replies NO to the proposal to set up a table on scientific information. Ed
In data 8 marzo 2022 il Consigliere Regionale Nicolò Carretta presentò un’interrogazione a risposta scritta (N. 21433) all’Assessore al Walfare,…
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Lundbeck chooses HRCOFFEE's “People” platform to “perform the skills assessment for Scientific Representatives”. Ed
La multinazionale danese Lundbeck sceglie la piattaforma “People” di HRCOFFEE per accrescere il senso di appartenenza dei dipendenti. Milano biz…
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Competition bill. Häusermann: "With the abolition of the patent linkage, no risk for pharmaceutical patents"
Le dichiarazioni del presidente Enrique Häusermann nell’audizione odierna sulla Legge annuale per la Concorrenza 2021 in Commissione Industria al Senato…
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Genoa. No vax informant deceased from Covid. Ed
Colleghi liguri ci riferiscono della tragica scomparsa di Luca Mendola, informatore scientifico a Genova. Luca, 51 anni, informatore scientifico per…
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Market research in the pharmaceutical sector
We report some excerpts from an editorial published in Repubblica Economia on 24 October 2021 entitled “Elma Research, the investigations…
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Pfizer Announces $1Bn $ Bond Issue to Refinance Vaccine Research
Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) announced on August 16 the price of a “sustainable” bond of $ 1,000,000,000 in principal…
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Meluzzi lancia l’allarme sui Big Pharma. Per il 95% dei medici l’informazione viene dagli informatori farmaceutici che fanno propaganda. N.d.R.
Meluzzi lancia l’allarme sui Big Pharma ▷ “È a rischio l’indipendenza dei medici” Radio Radio – 8 agosto 2021 Lo…
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Tuscany. Bribes to doctors: 4 informants also sentenced to compensation. But they are not informants. Ed
Mazzette ai medici per le prescrizioni dei farmaci, 4 informatori condannati anche al risarcimento La Regione Toscana era parte civile…
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Dompè. Layoffs in progress. Union statement. Ed
The multinational DOMPE' in L'Aquila does not renew 30 contracts, outsources activities and does not want to negotiate the expired company supplement. Clear signals…
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AIFA. Launch of the agreed Pay-Back procedure 1.83% – 2nd semester 2020
In compliance with the provisions of art. 11, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree no. 78/2010, converted, with amendments, into Law no. 122/2010…
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