First floor
APSS Trento. Extension of the suspension of the meetings by the Scientific Representatives of the drug
In order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 infection, given the persistence of the pandemic emergency and in analogy with…
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Molise. Approvata mozione Fanelli Facciola: “accelerare vaccinazione informatori scientifici”
Completamento vaccini alle categorie a rischio, approvata la mozione Fanelli e Facciolla Covid 19, il consiglio regionale approva altre tre…
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ULSS1 Dolomites. ISF access. Ed
Access is only possible for those who have undergone a swab, with negative results, in the last 48 hours. From…
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ULSS5 Polesana announces the methods of access for product specialists. Ed
The ULSS5 Polesana informs that the access of Product Specialists and Consultants to the operating groups is subject to a…
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AboutPharma interviews Antonio Mazzarella, National President of Fedaiisf
Marcello Longo AboutPharma and Medical Devices February 2021 n. 185 "I see many clouds in the immediate future." Antonio Mazzarella, president of Fedaiisf…
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Liguria. ISF comparable to healthcare personnel. Priority route to vaccination
Con piacere Vi comunichiamo che ALISA ha riconosciuto la figura dell’ISF all’interno della categoria degli Operatori Sanitari e…
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They just can't do it…
Some people just can't follow the dictates of the role they fill. Reason why, sooner or later…
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Lombardy. Vaccinations: "enlargement of the audience to be vaccinated", including the ISFs
Lombardia oltre 100mila vaccinati, entro domenica sarà inoculato il 70 per cento delle dosi La Lombardia prova a cambiare passo…
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Sicily Region. Vaccination also extended to those who have access to health facilities such as scientific representatives
Pubblichiamo il documento della Regione Sicilia che estende le priorità vaccinali anche agli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco. Ringraziamo l’Assessorato alla…
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Basilicata Region. The ISFs will be vaccinated in the first phase if any stocks arise
Riportiamo quella parte del Piano Vaccinale della Regione Basilicata che riguarda il target degli operatori da sottoporre a vaccinazione. Per…
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