First floor
OO.SS press release Novartis unilaterally fires two whistleblowers. Unacceptable!
In data odierna NOVARTIS FARMA ha comunicato alle OO.SS. ed alle RSU la decisione di licenziare unilateralmente due informatori, motivando…
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Recanati doctor: "No-vax patients choose another doctor". Accused of "conniving with Big Pharma"
Amedeo Giorgetti, family doctor in Recanati, ended up in the media limelight for inviting no-vax patients with a sign…
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Covid vaccine, the Science study comparing Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson protection in the USA
The data analysis has photographed a situation of substantially equal efficacy between the three compounds to prevent the infection of Sars…
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BioNtech's anticancer "vaccine" within 5 years
The immuno-oncologists who co-founded BioNTech, the company that developed…
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Paxlovid. The new Pfizer oral antiviral to fight Covid 19
Pfizer ha annunciato che la sua pillola antivirale contro il covid permette di ridurre i ricoveri e i morti di quasi il…
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Competition bill. Medicines
The text of the competition bill, which currently has 34 articles, will probably be revised and corrected. Objective of the bill in…
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Novartis considers spin-off of Sandoz
Corriere del Ticino – 26 ottobre 2021 Novartis sta esaminando le opzioni strategiche a disposizione per massimizzare il valore azionario…
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Market research in the pharmaceutical sector
We report some excerpts from an editorial published in Repubblica Economia on 24 October 2021 entitled “Elma Research, the investigations…
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WHO celebrates Henrietta Lacks. The unknown who changed the world
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), welcomed the Lacks family for a meeting…
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Only the Vaccination Doctors of the Vaccination Centers can exempt applicants from vaccination
I Carabinieri del NAS di Catania hanno deferito all’Autorità Giudiziaria 4 medici operanti nella provincia. L’indagine trae origine dalle verifiche…
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