First floor
Is it convenient to keep a VAT number open if you invoice 1000-2000 euros per month?
Mi conviene tenere la partita iva se fatturo 1000-2000 euro al mese? Calcolo ed esempi Una serie di esempi e…
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New IRPEF: from which salary will we see the effects?
Con il passaggio dal 2021 al 2022 in Italia è arrivata la nuova IRPEF. E questo attraverso una riduzione delle…
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Pfizer in Catania cuts investments and employees
"Pfizer Catania cuts investments and employees" According to Ugl, the redundancy announced today by Pfizer at…
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The competent judge in the agency agreement
Non sono rari i contratti di agenzia in cui viene previsto quale foro competente per l’eventuale causa il tribunale del…
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INPS. New service "THINK ME" (PENSione A MIsura), to know the future pension
In linea con la trasformazione digitale in atto, orientata verso servizi semplici, proattivi e sempre più vicini al cittadino, l’Inps…
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The case of the nurse who appropriates samples of free medicines: convicted of embezzlement
I campioni gratuiti di un farmaco: perchè non si possono prendere e portar via, visto che sono gratuiti? Se è…
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Magrini (AIFA). Two new vaccines available from the beginning of 2022: Novavax and Valneva
È attesa la valutazione di questa settimana da parte di Ema per Novbavax e poi a breve per Valneva. Nei primi…
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Dompè. Due to pandemic 11 ISF agents with VAT number at home
We are informed that 11 ISF single-mandate agents with VAT number of Dompè have had their agency mandate terminated,…
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Smart working. Agreement between Government and social partners on the new rules
The shared protocol for smart working The protocol shared between the ministry, employers' organizations and trade unions starts from the assumption…
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OO.SS press release and MSW Gedeon Richter. Four layoffs for a "flash reorganization". Bewilderment for the method and for the merit
Gedeon Richter's RSU learned today with bewilderment, from the company management, the intention to implement a reorganization…
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