First floor
The Turin Academy of Medicine discussed how whistleblowers dominate and influence guidelines and therapies
Si è tenuto all’Accademia di Medicina di Torino la “seduta” sul tema “Industria del farmaco e linee guida terapeutiche“. Nella…
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In Commissione alla Regione Molise la proposta di legge di istituire l’Albo degli Informatori Scientifici
Albo degli informatori scientifici del farmaco, in Molise la proposta di legge tra le prime in Italia Termoli card –…
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Equalia. The AIFA Program for 2022 cuts the legs off the most accessible treatments
In the document sent by Health to the opinion of the State-Regions Conference the intention to renegotiate downward prices Egualia – 29…
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From 1 October it is no longer mandatory to wear ffp2 masks. However, the obligation remains in hospitals
Dal 1o ottobre non è più obbligatorio indossare mascherine ffp2 su autobus, metropolitane, treni e pullman. Rimane l’obbligo in ospedali, RSA…
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AIFA. 2022 activity plan: new guidelines for scientific information by 31 December
The activity plan for the year 2022 was presented at the State, Regions and Autonomous Provinces Conference, setting out the…
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Torino. Webinar Industria del farmaco e linee guida terapeutiche. Il ruolo dell’informatore scientifico
Webinar: Industria del farmaco e linee guida terapeutiche Dossier Salute – 27 settembre 2022 Martedì 11 ottobre alle ore 21, l’Accademia…
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€200 VAT match bonus: the date will be September 26th and the amount will be increased by €150
As we know, the €200 bonus is causing a lot of discussion. Especially VAT matches don't know how to receive this important bonus...
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Resolution of the Emilia Romagna Region: experimentation in Ausl Romagna on the DPC of drugs for chronic conditions. Many protests and little applause
With a resolution approved at the end of August by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council, some medicines for chronic conditions are distributed…
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Is Red Yeast Rice Really Toxic?
Tossicità Riso Rosso Fermentato A giugno di quest’anno precisamente il 22 giugno 2022 è entrato in vigore il nuovo Regolamento…
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Cattani (Farmindustria): the energy crisis hits the pharmaceutical industry. Meanwhile, the taxation on pharmaceutical extra profits continues to be invoked
Il presidente di Farmindustria, Marcello Cattani, all’Adnkronos Salute, pubblicato su La Sicilia, descrive il mix di criticità che il settore…
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