Main news
ISTAT. Pharmaceutical industry turnover and orders: -3.3% and -8.4%
A febbraio si stima che il fatturato dell’industria aumenti in termini congiunturali dello 0,3%, proseguendo la dinamica positiva di gennaio.…
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Letter to the Editor. Pharmaceutical company passes the ISFs to the CCNL for trade. But is it legal?
Ci scrive un collega che, la sua azienda ha deciso di passare tutti i propri dipendenti al contratto CCNL Commercio.…
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Fedaisf Florence. Celebrated colleague Piero, who has been a member of the Association for 53 years without interruption
The other evening we were honored by the presence with us of a historic presence within the Association. My colleague Zei Piero,…
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The National President of Fedaiisf invited to the Conference "Stories of Doctors and Patients"
The National President of Fedaiisf, Antonio Mazzarella, was invited to Foggia to the conference organized by L'Albero Della Vita, on the theme…
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Section Fedaiisf Frosinone Latina. Renewed the Board
On 27 March 2019 the votes for the renewal of the Frosinone and Latina 2019 -2022 Board were held.…
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Fedefarma. NHS pharmaceutical spending, updated data attest to a drop of 4.1%. The contribution of pharmacies to the diffusion of equivalents. Ed
Federfarma announces that the pharmaceutical expenditure net of the NHS in 2018 recorded a decrease in the…
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Pfizer, Roche and Johnson & Johnson are the leaders of the global pharmaceutical industry
Pfizer, Roche and Johnson & Johnson account for 12.6% of the total value of the pharmaceutical industry worldwide, driven by the increase…
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Fedaiisf Naples and Foggia. Participation in the sale of solidarity Easter eggs
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo Ringraziamo la Fedaiisf Napoli e provincia (Federazione degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco) che supporta…
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Quota 100. Redemption of the degree. Instructions for Use
Dal 28 Marzo 2019, dall’approvazione definitiva del Decreto Legge n.4 del 28 gennaio 2019, sono state apportate delle modifiche al…
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Price of medicines: a reply to the Director of AIFA. With the fetish of transparency, the hedging difficulties of a State with delusions of omnipotence are unloaded on the sector
The medicines market is heavily regulated. Even before some specific strategies to contain pharmaceutical expenditure, such as…
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