Main news
Reopen the Section. AIISF of Padua, federated with Fedaiisf
In data 18 Novembre 2020, gli informatori di Padova si sono riuniti in assemblea e hanno deciso di riaprire la sezione…
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AIISF Frosinone participates in the mourning of his colleague Orlando for the loss of his father Dr. Ciafrone
Castrocielo, the Coronavirus cuts short the life of a great man: farewell to Dr. Roberto Ciafrone The family doctor and…
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NOMOS. ISF activities: regional provisions updated on 23 November 2020
We report below the graphic representation of the regional provisions on ISF activity. To interact on the links, click: Special provisions for ISF activities –…
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Section AIISF Reggio Calabria, federated with Fedaiisf, to RC1 Health Director. The ISF voluntarily offer their collaboration to the SSR
Very esteemed Director of the RC1 Health District, the Pharmaceutical Representatives of the Province of Reggio Calabria represented by this Directive, given the…
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Tuscany. In the death of a father. To Stephen
The coronavirus took another life. We should be "accustomed" to the hundreds of deaths that every day communicates to us ...
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Vicenza newspaper. Interview with the National President of AIISF and the President of the Section
Il Giornale di Vicenza, nell’edizione odierna di sabato 21 novembre 2020, riporta un’intervista al Presidente Nazionale AIISF, Angelo Baruchello, ed…
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Abruzzo News. Established in Abruzzo the Association of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives
Direttivo composto dal Presidente Dr. Danese, vice Presidente Dr. Fangio, segretaria Dr.ssa D’Antonio, tesoriere Dr. Marini e 7 consiglieri REGIONE…
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Local provisions on the activity of the ISFs
L’elenco che segue, per forza di cose, è altamente incompleto e sarà in continuo aggiornamento man mano che ci perverranno…
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Perugia. Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia. Accesso regolamentato ISF iscritti Fedaiisf. I non iscritti devono registrarsi presso l’ospedale
N.d.R.: L’accesso all’ospedale è aperto a tutti gli ISF. I non iscritti Fedaiisf devono registrarsi e superare…
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